Saturday, April 1, 2000
The part of Jen overflowed with the fresh people; I did many new friends.
I then not express with which point I eulogistic be of generosity of Jen.
Cosmopolitans were my choice of drinks of the evening. I be sure that I have not have more than de three. Pretty sure.
Most of the time we danced in formless, groups to run.
I immediately struck it except function with Lunesse and DLJ. I could speak to them during hours.
When I met the first Satya time, it sat down beside Afsal with the bar. We have speak about advantage to have a child of same parent as companion of room.
Jane and June to seem large and Jane laughter when I to say there that I a reader his newspaper.
Eleanor entirely had too much recreation with my shirt.
I wished that I could have spoken more with: Michael, Trish, Jay, Beth and March.
I later discovered that John Geraci and his friend by distraction broke down the part. Étrangement, I did not see them.
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